Factors Influencing Patient Loyalty: Trust, Empathy, and Service Quality in Private Healthcare
Staff responsiveness, trust, corporate social responsibility, competence, perceived empathy, patient revisit intention, healthcareAbstract
Background of the study: The study investigates the critical factors influencing patient loyalty within Sindh's private healthcare sector, focusing mainly on patients' perceptions of the services provided.
Methodology: A structured questionnaire was administered to 200 participants, and the data were analysed using structural equation modelling (SEM).
Results: The analysis revealed that perceived empathy from healthcare staff, which influences patient loyalty, is predominantly driven by staff competence, social responsibility, and responsiveness. Interestingly, trustworthiness did not exhibit a significant relationship with either perceived empathy or company loyalty. Instead, tangible care activities—such as directly interacting with patients, assisting them, and holding healthcare staff accountable—significantly enhanced patients' attachment and loyalty.
Conclusions: This study highlights the importance of visible, real-time trust-building actions over theoretical trust attributes in influencing patient loyalty. Private health facilities should focus on enhancing staff responsiveness and accountability to foster positive patient relationships and develop a sustainable model of patient loyalty.
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