Social Identity theory in the domain of HRM: A systematic review from 2011 to 2022


  • Sadaf Ibrar National Bank of Pakistan Author


Background and Purpose: This systematic review focused on the research and practice of Social Identity Theory (SIT) in Human Resource Management (HRM) between 2011 and 2022. Thus, it will help identify significant research areas, methods, important theories, geographic focus, and industries addressed in this domain. 
Methods: Subsequently, the type of SR was defined as a Systematic Literature Review (SLR), which was accompanied by a three-fold process of planning, conducting and reporting. It was possible to work with 
academic databases, including Taylor & Francis, Emerald, and Springer. To perform the search, key phrases such as ‘social identity theory’, ‘HRM,’ and ‘human resource management’ were used, and this led to the identification of 184 papers published between 2011 and 2022. 
Results: Extracting all the articles reviewed, the number of pertinent published studies was established to be 50. Between 2011 and 2015, the interests of scholars in the context of the analysis of SIT were organizational citizenship behaviour, cultural aspects, and leadership. From 2016 to 2018, the topics became high-performance work systems and transformational leadership. The study themes were 
occupational entrepreneurship from 2019 to 2022, professional identification, and CSR. Namely, the literature pointed to the influence of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) on employees’ attitudes and organizational consequences. 
Conclusions: Using SIT, this paper aims to spearhead research in the application of HRM, which has shown an increasing trend since 2016. The following studies should increase the databases involved and 
include different types of publications to get a deeper insight into SIT in HRM. 

Author Biography

  • Sadaf Ibrar , National Bank of Pakistan

    HR officer, Organizational Effectiveness Division


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How to Cite

Social Identity theory in the domain of HRM: A systematic review from 2011 to 2022. (2024). Archives of Management and Social Sciences , 1(2), 5-24.