Human Capital Development for China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: What is Needed?



CPEC, human capital development, long-term skills, vocational training, economy, investment


CPEC is considered the game-changer for Pakistan and plays a significant role in improving human resources. Unfortunately, Pakistan is rich in Human resources as a high percentage of youth bulge but is facing the problem of a shortage of skilled workforce. The mega-projects will only be able to bring economic prosperity if they produce a skilled workforce for the various sectors in long-term projects. This study aims to discover the skills required for CPEC to be the game-changer for Pakistan. 16 Experts were identified to conduct the interviews for this research. The research found four significant categories of skills concerning CPEC, and further, these skills are divided into sub-categories. The skills are soft skills, technical skills, IT skills, and general skills. These skills will help CPEC become a game-changer for Pakistan. The government can develop policies to prepare youth by using findings.


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How to Cite

Human Capital Development for China-Pakistan Economic Corridor: What is Needed?. (2024). Archives of Management and Social Sciences , 1(1), 78-95.

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