Peer Review Process

AMSS employs a double-blind review process, ensuring anonymity between authors and reviewers. The Editor initially evaluates submissions for suitability. Accepted papers undergo evaluation by at least two independent expert reviewers for scientific rigour. The final decision rests with the Editor, who remains impartial. Editors avoid decisions involving their work, relatives, or conflicts of interest. Such submissions undergo standard peer review procedures. For details on peer review types, refer to our guidelines.

AMSS employs double anonymized review, ensuring mutual concealment of authors’ and reviewers’ identities. Please refer to our website for further details. To facilitate this process, kindly provide the following separately:

Title page (including title, author’s names, affiliations, acknowledgements, Declaration of Interest statement, and corresponding author’s complete address with email).

Anonymized manuscript (excluding author details) comprising the main body, references, figures, tables, and acknowledgements, devoid of identifying information such as authors’ names or affiliations.

The COPE guidelines are followed for further information.