Manuscript Formatting

Title Page

Create a title page that you will upload separately to the AMSS website.

Title of the manuscript:

  1. Title, Authors name, affiliation and addresses of all authors.
  2. Full postal address, telephone and fax, and email addresses of corresponding Author.
  3. Suggestions for a short running title of no more than 40 characters (including spaces).
  4. Acknowledgements of financial or research assistance, these must be placed on the title page and should not appear anywhere else in the manuscript.

Abstract page:

  1. Your manuscript should start with an abstract page without included the title of the manuscript and an abstract of up to 250 words in length.
  2. Must sure that the abstract page does not contain any information that could identify the author(s).


When submitting via the AMSS open journal system (OJS), authors should give six to eight keywords.

Body of the paper:

  1. The introduction should state the objective of the paper and context of the research.
  2. The literature review should be limited that have a direct bearing on the topic being addressed.
  3. Theoretical papers may devote a full section of the proposed theoretical framework.
  4. The empirical section should provide appropriate citations to the statistical methodology.
  5. A complete explanation is required only if the methodology is new.
  6. Statistical analyses and results must be included in the paper.
  7. The conclusion should summarize key findings.

Style of presentation:

  1. Margins should be one inch (2.5cm) at the top, bottom, left side and 1 cm from right side of the page.
  2. Font type should be 12-point Times Roman throughout the document for paragraphs.
  3. 5 space all body text, including abstract, references, and appendices.
  4. Number all pages in your manuscript, starting with the Abstract Page.
  5. Use 01 space between sentences.
  6. Manuscript text should be justified.

AMSS uses three levels of headings:

Title: centered, bold, uppercase and size 16 font.

Main headings: designate your major sections; they should be left-aligned, bold, and size 14 font.

Second-level headings: should also be flush with the left margin, bolded in size 12 font, and only the first letter of major words should be capitalized.

Third-level headings: should be italicized; begin the first word with a capital.

Fourth-level of headings: should be indented and italicized; begin the first word with a capital, end the heading with a period, and then continue with your text.

Citations:  to the literature should be included in the text, not in the footnotes.

AMSS follows APA reference style 7th edition. When citing a list of references in the text, put the list in alphabetical order and separate authors by semicolons; for example, "Several studies (Adam & Fizz, 1976; Carol, 1993a, 1993b; Ali & Razi, 2003) support this conclusion."

If a work has two authors, give both names every time you cite it; for example, Ranold and Sam (1998). For three or more authors, use the first author's name and "et al."

To cite a direct quotation, give pages after the year, separated by a colon and a space. Example: "David elaborates on his stance, asserting that 'the confluence of favorability, possibility, desire, and activation is indispensable for any event to manifest' (David, 1988: p. 538)."

Separately state each hypothesis you test and give it a number.

Check that the sequence of any numbered elements (tables, figures, equations, etc.) is correct.

Insert leading zeros before decimal points in text and tables (e.g., '0.3' rather than '.3').

AMSS expects authors to refer to the actual p-value rather than the threshold p-value when assessing the evidence for and against their hypothesis.

Place references, figures, and tables within a text.


The following are examples of proper form:

Journal/periodical articles

Wood, S. (1999). Human resource management and performance. International journal of management reviews, 1(4), 367-413.


Drucker, P. (2012). Management. Routledge.


Harley, N. H. (1981). Radon risk models. In A. R. Knight & B. Harrad (Eds.), Indoor air and human health, Proceedings of the Seventh Life Sciences Symposium (pp. 69-78). Elsevier.

Chapters in edited books

Caves, R. E., & Mehra, S. K. (1986). Entry of foreign multinationals into the US manufacturing industries. In M. E. Porter (Ed.), Competition and global industries (pp. 449-481. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press.


Salk, J. E. (1992). Shared management joint ventures: Their developmental patterns, challenges and possibilities [Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Online documents

The Investment Company Institute. (2004). Worldwide mutual fund assets and flows, third quarter 2003. Retrieved February 4, 2004, from

Online journal articles / advanced online publication articles

Hutzschenreuter, T., & Voll, J. C. (2007). Performance effects of "added cultural distance" in the path of international expansion: The case of German multinational enterprises. Journal of International Business Studies. Advanced online publication.