Copyright & Licensing

The AMSS: Archive of Management and Social Sciences employs the Creative Commons (CC-BY 4.0) license, thereby upholding the integrity of articles within an open-access framework. The journal grants authors the right to retain publication rights without constraints.

Authors are granted the freedom to:

  • Share — duplicate, and distribute the material in any medium or format for any purpose, including commercial use.
  • Adapt — modify, transform, and expand upon the material for any purpose, including commercial use.

This license aligns with Free Cultural Works guidelines. The licensor cannot revoke these freedoms as long as users adhere to the license terms, which include:

  • Attribution - Users must appropriately credit the source, provide a link to the license, and specify if modifications were made. This must be done reasonably and does not imply the licensor’s endorsement of the user or their use.
  • No additional restrictions - Users may not impose legal or technological restrictions that limit others from exercising the rights granted by the license.